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How to install an SSL certificate with Kerio Mail Server

On 06/08/2018 By Valentin Ricci

Step 1 - Generate a CSR

1. Log into your Kerio administration panel: https://mondomaine.com:4040/admin. How to install an SSL certificate with Kerio Mail Server

2. Navigate to « Configuration » → « SSL certificates », click on « New », then click on « New Certificate Request ». How to install an SSL certificate with Kerio Mail Server

3. Fill in all required information. How to install an SSL certificate with Kerio Mail Server

4. Select the request you've just created and click on « Export », then « Export Request ». How to install an SSL certificate with Kerio Mail Server

5. Save the CSR. You can now buy an SSL certificate.

Step 2 - Install the SSL certificate

Once the Certification Authority has validated your request, you'll be able to download your certificate from your HTTPCS dashboard. How to install an SSL certificate with Kerio Mail Server

1. When you've downloaded the certificate, you can import it to Kerio. Go to « Configuration » → « SSL Certificates », then click on « Import », then « Import Signed Certificate from CA ». How to install an SSL certificate with Kerio Mail Server

2. To add an intermediate certificate, open the server certificate and the intermediate certificate. Copy the intermediate certificate below the server certificate into the server certificate file and save.
It should look like this:
How to install an SSL certificate with Kerio Mail Server

Save this file so you can import it in Kerio.

3. In the « Certificate File » field, indicate the path to your certificate.
How to install an SSL certificate with Kerio Mail Server

4. Once you've imported the certificate, all that remains is to activate it. How to install an SSL certificate with Kerio Mail Server

5. Then, try our SSL installation checker.

Buy a cheap SSL certificate for Kerio

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