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How to generate a CSR with Jakarta Tomcat

On 26/08/2015 By Thomas Huther

Please follow the steps below to generate your Certificate Signing Request (CSR) for Jakarta Tomcat :

Generate the private key :

1. Open a command prompt and type the following command:
keytool -genkey -alias "your_alias_name" -keyalg RSA -keystore "your_keystore_filename" -keysize 2048

Then choose a password. Confirm the password when asked.

2. Fill in all the following information :
How to generate a CSR with Jakarta Tomcat

3. Press Entrer when the "your_alias_name"'s password is asked.

CSR generation with Jakarta Tomcat :

1. To generate the CSR, execute the following command:
keytool -certreq -keyalg RSA -alias "your_alias_name" -file certreq.csr -keystore "your_keystore_filename".

For example :
How to generate a CSR with Jakarta Tomcat

2. Make sure the hash algorithm used is SHA-1 or SHA-256/384/512. To force the use of SHA-1, end the previous command by -sigalg SHA1withRSA

Finally, it is important to check if your CSR has been generated correctly.

Buy a cheap SSL certificate for Jakarta Tomcat

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