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Our new features

New features

Technologies and known vulnerabilities

May, 2022

For better accessibility, HTTPCS offers you 2 new pages for the Security product. The elements previously present on the "Technologies and CVE" page are now on separate pages: "Technologies" and "Known vulnerabilities".


The data collected is now grouped by technology. Sites grouped by technology The latest version available for each technology has also been added. This version will be compared to the ones detected on your sites. This way, you will be informed if the technologies you use need to be updated or if they are deprecated. This will allow you to carry out your patch management in all simplicity. Detected technology with update available Finally, you will be able to find in the "Detected technologies" tab of the Integrity solution, the used technologies detected on your sites. Technology tab on Integrity Known vulnerabilities

Just like on the "Technologies" page, the detected CVEs are now grouped by technology. CVEs grouped by technology Changes have also been made to the details of a Security product analysis report. At a glance, you can now see all vulnerable technologies present on your websites. CVEs detected during the Security analysis

Notifications sent on a collaborative tools

May, 2022

HTTPCS now offers you the possibility to receive your alerts for each solution of the suite directly on your collaborative tools. All your collaborators will be able, from one channel, to follow and react as fast as possible to the different alerts.

It is possible to configure these notifications for Slack and Teams. We also have implemented personal WebHooks. For the configuration, go to the notifications dedicated page and you will have a section " Collaborative Tool ''. You will have to fill in the WebHook link on which you want to receive the notifications as well as the language for each tool. You can also edit the HTTP Method for your personal webhook. Notifications settings We wrote a tutorial for Slack and Teams in order to show you how to set up your dedicated channel for notifications and obtain the WebHook link. You can also download this tutorial as a PDF. Teams tutorial Regarding personal Webhooks, you can access the sample responses once your tool is added to the list. Payload samples Like emails and sms, you can then configure the notifications you want to receive or not for each product.

Evolution of the user's or site's score over the last 7 days

May, 2022

HTTPCS now allows you to visualize, directly on your dashboard, a site's score evolution over the last 7 days. We have also added the user's score evolution, your score. It is the average score of all your sites. User' score evolution A site's score evolution These data are also accessible on the API in the “Score” section.

Score on the HTTPCS Certification Seal

May, 2022

The score of the latest report is now available on the HTTPCS certification seal. By displaying the HTTPCS score on the seal, you can increase the confidence of your visitors. HTTPCS certification seal

Updating monitoring parameters on several sites

May, 2022

It is now possible to update the parameters of several sites at the same time for the monitoring product. Filter your sites according to their category, status and device, then check and modify the parameters you want to edit. Modal allowing you to update the monitoring settings This functionality is also accessible via the API in the “Settings” category.

Ability to download resources on the Integrity product

May, 2022

You can now download the 2 file versions detected during the Integrity tool analysis. By clicking on this resource, you can then click on "Download" to get the current file. Ressource's Integrity modal To get the content of the file from the previous analysis, simply click on "Show previous request", then on "Download". If your site is no longer reachable, the integrity analysis will notify you that it could not be performed. However, you will be able to consult and download all the resources at the date of the last successful analysis.