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HTTPCS by ziwit vs Internet vista

Comparison of HTTPCS Monitoring and Internet Vista Web tools

Looking for a web monitoring tool?
With its variety of features, HTTPCS can be a good alternative to the solution offered by Internet Vista. Click on a specific feature to find out more.

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Control test

The HTTPCS solution delivers a high performance with a monitoring frequency every minutes (customizable)

Monitoring frequency: 60 seconds

Monitoring by HTTPCS performs its tests from 50 data centers in over 7 worldwide locations. The solution offers a complete and efficient monitoring of your website or web application.


Number of checkpoints: 12

The tests are performed from probes all around the world, and not only near the geographical localization of the company.

Worldwide testing

Monitoring warns its users at any time with a text, Email or by API integration.


Alerts by Email, SMS, social media and API integration (with extra cost)

There is no restriction regarding the number of alerts sent by SMS, email or by API integration. Unlimited alerts are included in the plan


Limited number of alerts

Unlimited number of recipients. For the same price, your whole working team can be part of your website monitoring


Extra charge for each additional user

Monitoring alert limits can be set up in order to dissociate real performance loss from real functioning

Advanced settings available (limitations)

HTTPCS Monitoring can monitor your DNS (Domain Name System)

DNS management

Thanks to our exclusive technology of "Virtual Browser", we offer you a very simple tool to record your scenarios without any technical skill being required. (no external program installation, no browser extension, no programming).

Programming of complex scenario steps

The fingerprint feature recognizes "proof", proving a website normal functioning. If there is no proof, the anomaly will immediatly be sent to our working teams

Fingerprint testing available

HTTPCS monitors all your web applications and web services

Web applications and web services management

You can check the respect of your service level agreement with your service provider by benefiting from an impartial and infallible third person's data

Service Level Agreement not mentionned

HTTPCS offers a 0 false positive guarantee to its users, so it can send alerts about real and proven anomalies

False positive management

HTTPCS Monitoring perfectly checks your server availability

Perfect server management

HTTPCS Monitoring is part of the complete HTTPCS cybersecurity suite. The users can easily find the modules they subscribed to within a single console

No additional module related to cybersecurity

Thanks to its Machine Learning technology, the HTTPCS Monitoring robot learns from previous anomalies to anticipate them more efficiently in the future

No Machine Learning to foresee or improve the service

A 99.999% monitoring service continuity, which guarantees a false positive management

No service continuity guaranteed

Since the HTTPCS console is 100% SaaS, no installation is required. You just need to access a web interface by logging in with your login ID

SaaS interface with no installation

Unlimited number of users. The accounts can easily and quickly be set up with just a few clicks

Limited number of users

The reports can be exported at any time to create detailed statistics

Export feature available

Unlimited data storage

Data stored for only 1 moth

An API is made available, just so the users can incorporate the HTTPCS modules within their favorite applications

An API is made available to make the connection easier with the different tools

The HTTPCS interface is available in French and English

Multilingual interface

The HTTPCS interface is easy to access, intuitive and ergonomic. No training is required to get familiar with the console

Online interface, easy to access and intuitive, no download required

The Monitoring by HTTPCS prices are fixed and include all the features without any additional cost

The price of the solution varies depending on the features chosen, the number of users and alerts set up

The Monitoring by HTTPCS montly prices are ranging between 17 € and 21 € if you choose a montly or annual plan


From 20 € / month (+ SMS alert extra cost + 1 € per recipient)

No installation fee required to benefit from the monitoring solution

No installation fee

HTTPCS provides a quality technical support in 7 languages, including French and English

Multilingual support

Technical support can be reached over the phone during office hours and 24/7 by email

Available during office hours and 24/7 by email

Technical support can be reached over the phone, by email, SMS and online chat. A detailed FAQ is made available to answer your questions at any time

Email, helpline, chat and FAQ

European Cybersecurity leader, HTTPCS is a French company, also available in the United States. HTTPCS protects your data in accordance with the GDPR


Company located in Belgium. The privacy policy is GDPR-compliant

and monitoring tests

Attributes and monitoring tests

The solutions currently available in the field of web monitoring are provided with recurrent features named "core functions", which are included in HTTPCS Monitoring & Internet Vista solutions, such as:

  • The number of checkpoints
  • Checkpoint locations
  • The number of users who can use the solution
  • Monitoring frequency to perform the tests
  • Depth and relevance of the tests

Internet Vista performs its tests based on 12 different checkpoints and, just like the best tools on the market, it has a 60 seconds frequency check. It should also be noted that it can either test application or servers.

As for the depth of the test, the Internet Vista solution can run tests based on complex web scenarios (evidence tracking) which are going further than a simple ping service provided by other solutions.

HTTPCS, thanks to its exclusive “Virtual Browser” technology, provides a very simple tool to record monitoring scenarios (transaction monitoring tool) with no technical skill required. The scenarios are automatically replayed every 15 minutes by a real browser, and are manually re-playable at any time.

Therefore, HTTPCS has a real technological advantage over Internet Vista that also provides a monitoring scenario feature but which requires a tedious and difficult programming of each step.

Monitoring by HTTPCS also checks websites and web applications every minutes (customizable). Unlike its competitors who own 12 checkpoints, HTTPCS Monitoring tests are performed from 50 checkpoints all over the world. The HTTPCS solution is also efficient on web applications, along with servers in order to detect incidents and runs on complex scenarios.

The main asset of the HTTPCS Monitoring tool, unlike Internet Vista, is that it enables an unlimited number of users on a same account. This feature lets the large teams easily work together without having to pay an additional subscription fee.

Regarding data storage, which is useful for exports and comparisons, there is a significant gap between the two solutions:

  • Internet Vista stored the data only for a 1-month period
  • Monitoring by HTTPCS stores the data for the whole duration of the subscription

and monitoring tests
With its 50 worldwide checkpoints and its tests performed every minute, HTTPCS has strong performances. The large teams are able to work together with only one subscription. Data is stored indefinitely, and HTTPCS offers zero false positives guarantee.

and monitoring tests
Internet Vista performs regular monitoring with a test every 60 seconds across 12 locations. However, this solution does not enable larger teams to work together on a single account. Internet Vista easily handles false positives, but users data is stored for only 1 month.


Real-time alerts

Alerts are important in a monitoring process because they notify people at the right moment.

The current monitoring tools are no longer restricted to email alerts. They have a range of means to contact the user, from texts to integrations.

Internet Vista uses texts, emails and social media to alert, and is doing even by offering integrations like Slack platform. It must be mentioned that alerts are charged 1 € per recipient per media. Added to that, text alerts are charged 0,18 cts each.

With Monitoring by HTTPCS, alerts can be sent by text, email and gateways with other tools like Slack are now available.

Unlike Internet Vista, HTTPCS Monitoring service enable unlimited recipients and the same applies to the number of alerts, which makes the cost of the solution cheaper than the Internet Vista monitoring service.

Alerts are sent by text, email and API integration. Rather than restricting the number of recipients, HTTPCS Monitoring includes unlimited availability alerts regardless of chosen plan.

Alerts are sent by text, email, social media and API integration. However, they are charged, along with the number recipients.


Specific aspects of monitoring

What makes Internet Vista notable is undeniably its « purple cow » support. A worldwide support is indeed available on a 24 hour/7-day basis.

On another hand, Monitoring by HTTPCS stands out with its Machine Learning system:

Machine Learning is a built-in system which prevents conditions in which availability incidents would show up or repeat. HTTPCS Monitoring will constantly grow and learn in order to stop incidents internally, even before the user notices it. This anticipatory approach is the future of monitoring services.

Specificities and solutions
Machine Learning model is a real asset because it anticipates « down times » and reveals new security flaws. It leads to real a efficiency saving.

Specificities and solutions
The main advantage of Internet Vista is qualified and available support, which immediately deals with the request in a crisis context.


Proactive customer support

Just like HTTPCS Monitoring, Internet Vista « purple cow » phone support is available at office hours, but technical assistance is continuously available.

Its reactivity gives it a clear advantage in a crisis management context, where prompt assistance is essential.

Internet Vista support is available in 4 languages (English, French, Dutch and Spanish), while Monitoring HTTPCS assistance is offered in 7 languages (English included). In addition to its various supports, an online chat and a complete FAQ are available to answer any questions.

International and English-speaking support is proactive. It is available by phone and email at desk hours. An online chat and FAQ are available to help users. Support is multilingual (7 languages), including English.

Its “purple cow » support is proactive. It is available by phone during office hours, and by email at any time. Support is multilingual (4 languages), including English.

Overview of the interface of our Monitoring tool


Monitoring by ziwit logo

Monitoring scenario
Simulate to ensure the user experience

Thanks to our exclusive technology of "Virtual Browser", we offer you a very simple tool to record your scenarios without any technical skill being required. (no external program installation, no browser extension, no programming).

You will be able to monitor the important steps of your users (login, form, shopping cart, sso, ...) by adding a text presence proof and be alerted in real time when one of them is inaccessible or unavailable.

The scenarios are replayed automatically every 15 minutes by a real browser, and can be replayed manually at any time.

Pages performance are recorded and viewable: network measurements (DNS, server connection, TLS ...), time and number of redirects, DOM interactivity time, full loading time of pages and their resources with response sizes and compression ratio.

Scenario monitoring (transaction monitoring tool) is an essential tool to guarantee the functioning of your sites (e-commerce sites, CMS, business web applications, SaaS applications) to your customers and users.

Monitor right away the availability of your website or web application in real time!

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Our pricing against Internet Vista Web

In line with a common practice in the monitoring market, Internet Vista pricing policy is flexible, that is to say that the final price is determined in accordance with the company's needs and resources.

Internet Vista offers a $ 22 / month (20 €) fee for a solution with an every-60 seconds scan. Then, it will be necessary to add 1 € per contact and per media + 0.18 € per text.

Unlike its competitor, Monitoring by HTTPCS has a fixed and clear pricing. The $ 9 / month subscription without commitment includes:

  • Unlimited alerts
  • Monitoring features
  • Technical support
  • Unlimited data storage

For the exact same offer, the price indicated by HTTPCS is only $ 11.17 / month with an annual commitment.

$ 9 / month for a plan without commitment, unlimited text alerts
$ 11.17 / month with a 1-year commitment, including unlimited text alerts.

Starting Plan for $ 22 / month (20 €)
+ 1 € per contact
+ 1 € per media
+ 0.18 € par text.
Final comparison

No study would be complete without a final benchmark of its functionalities! The features of each solution have been graded out of 5 with an overall maximum score of 25. Visualize at a glance the potential of HTTPCS and Internet Vista.

Overall comparative rating

By comparing the different features and particularities of these tools, HTTPCS obtains a grade of 25/25 against 21/25 for Internet Vista. The advantage lies with HTTPCS, which meets best a company's needs in terms of monitoring tools.

Don’t let downtimes ruin your company’s activities, choose our monitoring tool now

HTTPCS and Internet Vista both offer powerful solutions. HTTPCS stands out with its disruptive learning machine, unlimited alerting system and full support, and offers a more attractive pricing policy than Internet Vista.

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